The high sun didn’t stop them as they continued to talk and run along the red shore. Each day, Sarahai became less of a victim and more of a friend, something that was starting to eat at Cris’ conscience. He sat on the red sand, looking up at her as she twirled in circles. His toes dug into the sand and he simply took in the sun while keeping his eyes on her.
“I wish we had music,” Sarahai said as she stopped spinning, her brown hair covering her smiling face slightly.
“Why do you want music, Lamb?” He had started calling her Lamb since she told him the story about the wolf and the lamb.
“So that you can dance for me!” She jumped toward him and crouched at his feet, sweetly looking up at him. Cris smiled and reached up to caress her face, an action that she responded to by closing her eyes and sighing endlessly. He knew what she was doing. She was falling hopelessly in love with him and while that wasn’t his intention, he didn’t mind the attention she was giving him. It had been a while since a female had held him, kissed him, and simply longed for him. He missed it very much. However, in the back of his head, all he could think about was Tia’Zula growling at him, forcing him to end the girl’s life.
Cris laughed and threw his head back. “Lamb, what makes you think I can dance.”
She crawled up along his body. Cris gulped and shuffled his legs along the sand so that her legs crawled between his. As young as she was, Sarahai was sexually curious and he recognized the signals she was giving him. As much as he wanted to take her, he knew that it would reduce the purity of her soul and that would really upset Tia, especially if they continued to be lost longer than a week. He knew that eventually, death would creep up onto the shore.
“Something about you tells me you can.” Her lips were close to his that her moist breath was felt against his lips. “I can sense some sort of…wild blood within you.” She kissed his lips and, pushing against him slightly. “I’m usually never wrong.”
Cris laughed and gently bit her lips. “Perhaps you’re right, Lamb, but I ain’t gonna dance for you.”
Sarahai frowned and whimpered a little. “Why not?” Her accent was growing on him and slowly he was starting to love it when she spoke to him, even when she whimpered, as a normal teenage human girl usually would. She thought that was the way she was going to have her way, but regardless, Cris loved hearing her speak.
“Why do you want me to dance?”
“Because I think you would be entrancing.” She sat up on his hips and danced on him, moving her chest and arms as she tilted her head to the side. Cris watched her, his heart racing and his hands inching up her legs, but he tried to think of other things.
“I’m sorry, Lamb, but I will not dance. You want dancing? You should see the women of the caravan. They really know how to move, like you.”
“I’m sure you can move in other ways, Wolf.” She pressed against him, kissing his lips once more. This time, he didn’t resist or turn away. He simply gave in, surrendering to her young lips and her soft touch. Cris didn’t want to think. He simply wanted to enjoy, and if it wasn’t for her fingertips slowly touching his scar along his neck, he would have waited to see how far they would have gone. However, that single touch sent a shiver throughout his body and he pulled away. No…she’s my prey…
“Is there something wrong, Wolf?” Sarahai asked in her soft, tender voice.
“N-no…no. I just think that – “
“Sarahai!” Both Cris and Sarahai turned and saw three men standing on a red sand hill.
“Father!” Sarahai leapt off Cris and moved away, leaving him on the sand, rolling his eyes and taking a deep breath.
“Great,” Cris muttered.
“Sarahai, what are you doing here…with that?”
“Father, don’t start with that!”
The large built man with a widened mustache walked down the dune, followed by two similar looking men. They all glared at Cris, who quickly jumped up and dusted himself. “Hello, I’m Captain Seawolf. And you are?”
“Her father,” said the main man. Sarahai ran to her father’s side and held his arm.
“Father, don’t do this! You’re embarrassing me!”
“If he touched you in anyway, Sarahai…”
“Sir,” Cris calmly started, “I have not touched your daughter in any inappropriate way.” He looked at Sarahai, smiling rather brightly before a fist came flying toward his cheek. Caught off guard, Cris fell back onto the sand. Usually, he would reach into his boot and pull out a gun, but without a gun, all he had was his dagger and that wasn’t going to work against this man.
“Sarahai, go home. It’s almost sunset.”
“But father!”
Sarahai took one more look at Cris before running away, sobbing loudly and dramatically. Cris looked up at her father and chuckled, rubbing the injured cheek. “Protective, eh?”
“She is my only daughter. I will not have some elf take her away from me!”
“Sir, she’s the one who’s coming on to me. Maybe if you didn’t have her on a tight leash, she wouldn’t be going with the first elf she saw.” He saw the man rush toward him and as if he has some sort of superhuman strength, he lifted Cris over his head with one arm.
“A leash? She’s not a dog, you dirty elf!” There was a slight growl in his voice, one that Cris had never heard before. He tried to pull the man’s fists away from his shirt. One of the fingers was dangerously close to his shark tooth, which made him panic slightly.
“I never said that. I just said you should let her go once in a while.” Cris was thrown a distance away from the man, landing hard against the sand.
“You stay away from her, elf, or you will be hunted after sunset.” The man glared at him angrily before walking away. The two other men chuckled and followed, with one of them staring at Cris. For a split second, Cris could see the last man smiling and showing a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. His face appeared to be elongating into a snout, but after blinking, Cris noticed the man’s face was normal. He threw himself onto the sand and lay there for a while longer, until the sun set.
Rushing back to his camp, he noticed Tia lighting the second campfire. “Where joo be, Cristianno. I thought joo be eaten by sumting.”
“Her father beat me up.” Tia turned to look at him and rushed to his side, touching the bruises on his face. “Watch it, it stings.”
“Joo be alright, but dat mean da job still not be done, eh?”
“It will be done. I’ll do it tomo—“
“Tomorrow, ja. I be ‘earing dat all week.” Tia shook her head and walked toward the devilsaur, taking it some fish to eat.
Cris sighed and sat on the wooden plank near the fire. He noticed his magical tome and began to read the pages that had filled up since he was gone. He looked for the familiar moniker, the keeper of his heart and the one that not only worried him, but also had him curious about what she was doing and how she was doing. Her words seemed pained and irritated. He was unable to do anything for her, but she had her many friends and her new lover with her. With a deep breath, he scanned the rest of the messages.
He came across one from the one he knew was Niela. He asked what was wrong with her and she replied that her arm was broken. A sudden rage began to fill within him. Who would dare harm her? It wasn’t as if she couldn’t take care of herself. He was well aware that she could, but something about her getting hurt bothered him. He wasn’t sure what it was. As he wrote his final concern into the book, he sighed, “If I can help you with this one, assassin, I will.”
One more, he scanned the messages that kept appearing and he saw one final message from Rain. There is something I need to tell you, but I must be cryptic: Doubt thou the stars are fire. Do you understand?
After being hit and thrown, his head was still fuzzy. He responded as well as he could, followed by a whisper, “I know you love me.” He closed his eyes and closed the book, sighing deeply. “I know.” It was then that his heart ached once more, however, with the befuddled mind and everything mixing together, Niela, Rain, Sarahai, Cris simply lay on his side and took a deep breath, knowing well that his heartaches were far from over.
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