72. My Love

Chaos and anger can lead a desperate man and woman to extreme measures, as our pirate Cris and his lover have done. Story inspired by "My Love" by Sia (Instrumental version)

"My love, leave yourself behind. Beat inside me, I'll be with you."

            It was usually the first rays of light that awakened him, but this morning, leaning against a large stone, under the waning darkness overhead, Cristianno simply breathed, holding his beloved in his arms while she continued to grip at his chest, in her never-ending protective grasp. He took a deep breath and looked down at the sleeping elf woman, her dark hair covering half of her face. He caressed her bare back lightly with his fingers and noticed the mark on her left shoulder blade. He gently caressed it, tracing his finger along the darkened lines of shame. However, to him, it was just a mark; just like his own marks; just another design and nothing more. His touch made her body tense against his. Perhaps it was an unconscious retraction, but she seemed to react nonetheless. Cristianno lifted is head and pulled his hair forward, using his own strands to drape over her shoulder, hiding the mark from the world simply to protect her.
            The mountaintops of the Hinterlands were beginning to come to life as birds flew over them several times. The sun was starting to peek over the horizon and their final moments of darkness were ending. Cris held her close and kissed the top of her head. The darkness was their witness of the love they shared, and as soon as the day arrived, they had to become two totally different elves, living separate lives with different expectations, however the vows they exchanged that very night were enough to remind each other that no matter what happened, they would each have each other to return to. That comforted Cris. For the first time in years, he wouldn’t doubt about Niela marrying off some noble, or wanting him to change his ways, or running off with another man and falling for him. Instead, the only concern he would have would be if she managed to survive another day, just as he would have to each day. Just like everyone had to day by day. That was a lot more comforting than the heartache of doubt.
            He looked once more at his sleeping lover. No, his woman. No…his bride. Cris caressed her hair gently and looked up at the sky once more. “Come what may, my love,” he whispered. “Forever.” Niela stirred a little in his arms. “I will always be yours.” The sun began to rise more, shedding light down in the mountainous valley. Daylight had arrived and while their moment of intimacy faded with the light, this morning, things were different. To the eyes of the world, they were still the same: a lowly pirate who flirted around and a jewel crafter with more secrets that one could count, but this day was different because even though they were to go into their own worlds and continue with life, their bond was sealed and no one would ever break it.
            The sun’s rays began to hit their bodies, especially her sleeping face. As she slowly opened her green eyes, Cristianno smiled and whispered, “Good morning, my Niela.” She gazed up at him and smiled. “My beautiful wife.”

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