“We’re being punished, I tell ya! Damn Captain thinks he can just have the bloody tigers eat us out here in the jungle. What the fuck did we do to him?”
“Well, we did lose the cargo and we didn’t notice when the Alliance ships were gaining up on us.” The human wiped the sweat off his forehead as he thought of any other issues the captain may have had with them. However, the dwarf was not satisfied.
“Bollocks! Damn Captain should have been out there on the deck instead of hiding below like a yellow-bellied pussy! This is why I hate workin’ with the likes of pirates. Should have stuck with the bloody Alliance!”
“Aye, but you said they were no good, king-loving imbeciles.”
“Well they are, but shit, they wouldn’t send us into Stranglethorn to get eaten by tigers or raptors!”
“No, they would send us to the Stockades or something.”
“See? They wouldn’t kill us without a proper trial. Bloody pirates. If I see another pirate again, I’ll give him a piece of my mind!”
The human scratched his dark hair and said, “Um, ain’t we pirates?”
“Not no more!” shouted the dwarf as he maintained his balance after tripping on a root protruding from the ground. “Fuck! Nah! We ain’t pirates no more! I fucking quit!” The human nodded and looked at the sword at his waist.
“At least they gave us weapons to have a fighting chance.”
“They gave you a weapon? Bloody shit!” The dwarf growled and shook his head. The human and dwarf continued on through the jungle but the human stopped when he heard shuffling overhead. He stopped and the dwarf turned to see him. “Now what?”
“Did you hear something?”
“No, now let’s go! The sooner we get out of this jungle, the sooner we’ll be safe!” They continued on, but the human looked around once more, to which the dwarf stopped and sighed loudly, “If I have to stop once more, I’m punching ya in yer balls and taking off without ya!”
The human continued to look up at the tree tops and shook his head. “There’s noise up there.” The dwarf was about to say something else when he stopped and looked up at the trees.
“What the—”
A red and black parrot swooped down at the pair, knocking the dwarf down. “Bloody bird! Well help me! Idiot!” The human ran to help the dwarf up when the parrot dove at them again, this time, knocking over the human. “Give me your sword!” He reached for the hilt when he stopped at a voice.
“Nu-uh. Get your hand away from there.” Both men turned toward a tree and saw a tall female draenei pointing a crossbow at them. She smiled at them and gestured with the crossbow. “Go on. Hands up where we can see them.”
“We? Who’s we?” the human muttered and a fruit flew from the tree above, hitting the dwarf in the head. Another draenei sat above, pointing a gun at them as well.
“Bloody pirates! They have to be! There’s probably more.”
“Oh? You don’t like pirates? You look like a pair yourself. Where ya going?” the woman leaning against the tree asked.
“None of your bloody business!” The dwarf, against their warnings, rose and dusted himself off. “I ain’t got time for games with girls.”
“I’d stop if I were you,” the woman in the tree said softly.
“Or what? I’m fed up with fucking pirates and their fucking lives. They think they can control everything!”
“Your captain said you were the loud one,” the one on the ground said, laughing softly. The human turned to look at her and his face fell in shock.
“Bounty hunters…” he whispered softly, before turning to look at the dwarf.
“He ain’t my captain! You can tell him to go bite a dick and choke on it! He can fuck off!” He then froze in place, unable to say another word as the arrow that flew through the air hit him through his throat. He fell back and tried to gasp for air. The two draenei women walked toward them, still smiling.
“He knows all this shit. Don’t worry. Good night.” The woman with the gun lifted her weapon and shot the dwarf between his eyes. The sound resonated throughout the jungle as birds flew off the tree tops.
They both turned to the human, who was whimpering and shaking violently. “You’re free to go,” the woman with the crossbow said. “The captain had no beef with you. He just didn’t like this guy.” The human nodded and tried to get up before falling again. “Hurry, or we might change our minds.” With that, he ran toward the road and out of sight.
The woman put her crossbow away and laughed. “That never gets old, huh, Kris?” She ran her hand through her short messy hair and kicked the dwarf.
“What proof did he want, Kate?”
“We’ll take his head.”
The women walked back to Booty Bay with their prize in hand and as they did, they waved and spoke back to the sailors and pirates in town. They weren’t strangers at all. They approached the inn and found the pirate they were looking for surrounded by his crew. Their conversation stopped when the bloody bag landed on the table.
“As you requested, Captain Bones.”
The crowd parted and an undead man grinned widely at the two draenei. “Katerinka and Krisztina, my two favorite girls. I must say you do work fast.”
“Well, we ain’t got time for bullshit,” Katerinka said, winking at him. Krisztina smiled and pulled her long hair back, keeping her eye on the pirate crew.
“I like that. I like that.” The undead pirate captain gestured to the table. “Always have a seat for you two talented sisters.”
“We appreciate that, but we work for ourselves,” Katerinka bowed her head.
“A shame.” The captain threw a pouch of coins toward Katerinka, which she caught flawlessly. “I won’t stop insisting.”
“We know.” She smiled backed away slowly. “Excuse us, but we have more work to catch. Until then, Captain.” Both sisters stepped away smiling at the crew before turning and walking away from the table, toward the door. Once outside, their smiles disappeared. “I can’t stand him, Kris,” Katerinka whispered as she shuddered.
“Sh. Just keep walking,” Krisztina murmured, her patchless eye looking vigilantly.
“Goblin returning from Ratchet is the next target.” They both looked at the dock and noticed the ship returning. “And there he is.” They both smiled at each other and proceeded to the dock.
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Krisztina and Katerinka |
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