With a ship full of women, Cris and Ziggly begin to live their lives as they intended to: as pirates.
Every step the goblin took on the ship was filled with either loud squawking or cold glares. He wasn’t used to this crew of females. In fact, he missed the men who would shout out crude jokes and sexist remarks. These women were simply irritating, considering that none of them had even the tiniest bit of interest in him. Ziggly simply shook his head as he covered his ears.
Amy spoke loud, not just with her voice, but with her gestures as well, as she spoke to Laerchel about engineering and her current ideas. Laerchel seemed to simply nod and listen, trying hard to focus on something other than the pain in her ribs. As Amy threw her arms up, both fists clenching onto wrenches, Ziggly dodged one of the wrenches, missing his face by inches.
“Watch it!” he screamed.
“Well, don’t sneak up on me!”
“Why the fuck would I want to sneak up on you? You ain’t all that.” Ziggly shook his head and moved toward Laerchel. “Where’s lover boy?”
Laerchel shrugged lightly, avoiding much movement. “I haven’t seen him. You sure he ain’t screwing that new girl?”
“Not in his cabin he’s not.” Ziggly scratched his black hair and shuffled away, just as Amy began to talk about gizmos and widgets. He walked down below deck and noticed the dark haired human sitting at her cot reading a book.
“Okay, so he’s not fucking you.”
The girl lifted her head, narrowing her amber eyes. She had heard the Captain say that word many times and by now, she was aware of what it meant to these lowly pirates. In her soft, low voice, Anisse simply said, “I do not participate in such vulgarities.”
“Sure, sugar-tits.” Ziggly passed by her, not noticing her enflamed hand. As she was about shoot the ball of flame at the goblin, she stopped when she noticed the troll’s tall figure leaning against the nearest doorway. Tia’Zula nodded at Anisse and followed Ziggly, who was already walking with his hand on his dagger.
“Wat joo tryin’ ta do? Get killed?” she asked before he drew. He stopped and slowly turned around.
“I would ask the same of you. You know better than to sneak up on me. Where’s Cris?”
“Uppa deck, I tink.” Ziggly mumbled and began to walk away, but Tia continued to speak to him. “Wat be da plan?”
“Hell if I know. Shit, I didn’t even know we were going to have a bunch of wenches onboard! I mean, what the hell?” Tia glared at him and he leaned against the wall, looking up at her. “Look, if they, not you, but if they put out, then I would understand why they’d be here, but they don’t!”
The troll smiled and knelt in front of the foul-mouthed goblin. “Dey might no ‘put out,’ but dey will kill joo. Joo tink Cris would allow weak women on da ship?” Her hand reached out to Ziggly’s face, long fingernails tracing along his skin. “He not stupid, Zig.”
Ziggly gulped and stepped away. Aside from Gerty, who fixed his meals every day, Tia was someone he respected for all the favors she had done for him. “Well, still. Wenches are wenches.” Ziggly turned around and headed toward the stairs. He stopped and grinned, looking down at Tia once more. “Oh, and see what you can find out about your boy. Rumors have it that he’s married.” He smirked widely as Tia’s face went blank. Knowing how much she had been wanting to be with Cris, Ziggly knew he had gotten her back.
Tia’s gray eyes narrowed and she glanced upward. “Wat you do now, Cristianno,” she whispered.
Ziggly walked back onto the main deck, where he heard Laerchel laughing hard, holding on to her torso as Amy continued to act out her adventures in engineering.
“No, seriously! The explosion was so intense; I seriously flew for like hours! It was great!” Amy laughed and waved at Ziggly, who simply rolled his eyes. He walked around the corner and climbed the steps toward he upper deck. At the far end, he noticed Cris, his auburn hair simply flowing in the wind.
“There you are, fucker.”
Cris simply stared out at the ocean, his eyes lost in thought. Ziggly pushed a barrel next to him and climbed up, leaning against the ship. “It’s almost time,” Cris whispered.
“For what, exactly?”
Reaching into his pocket, Cris pulled out a silver pocket watch. “In just a few, you’re going to see a ship appear. Merchants sailing from Stormwind.”
“Okay…so, we’re taking it?” Ziggly was hesitant since Cris usually lacked the adventurous spirit Ziggly did.
The goblin snapped to look at the elf. “Really?”
“Yes, we need provisions and trading materials. We’ll get what they have and move on. Get the girls ready. This is their chance to prove their worth.”
Ziggly snickered, “Look, we know what Tia, Laerchel, and Gerty can do, but what about the other two?”
“You’ll be surprised, Zig. Amy has many tricks up her sleeve and Anisse…” He recalled her cold words when she had him killing, whether it was a group of ravenous gnolls, or an elderly woman. “She’s dangerous in her own way.”
“Yeah, you and Tia seem to think that. She’s just a pretty face to me.” Cris chuckled at his comment and patted Ziggly’s back before walking away.
“She’s going to burn your ears off.”
Cris grabbed the wheel and took a deep breath. “Alright, gather the girls. It’s time to get a ship.”
“We killing?”
“If we have to. I’m thinking that if they surrender, we’ll strip them of their clothing and throw them overboard.”
“Do we take the ship or sink it?”
“Do we sink ships? No unless we have to. Let them figure a way to get back onboard. We’ll be gone by then. Go to my cabin and on my desk, there’s a black flag.” Ziggly rolled his eyes. “Hoist the colors.”
“You’re so fucking dramatic, Cris.” Ziggly walked away and Cris simply laughed.
It only took a moment before he heard Ziggly calling for the “wenches.” The black flag was raised, a simple flag with a skull and crossbones and a wolf’s paw on the skull. Cris smiled and began to navigate the ship toward the merchant ship.
“Here we go, my love,” he whispered into the wind. “Wish us luck.”
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