99. Just A Dance

Reminiscing about the past, Cristianno recalls the power of music and dance.
music: "Bailamos" by Enrique Iglesias

            The bright flame at the center of the camp cast the dancers’ shadows on the ground and every move they made was sharp and obvious. From elf to human, to tauren to dwarf, everyone who dared to dance around the fire danced with the intensity of a warrior and a lover. Even the young danced fiercely. One who stood out was a young elf, who turned and stomped his feet in the dirt. His face was so intense that instead of catcalls, he was admired with every step he took. Once he stopped dancing, the caravan applauded and he walked off to the side to catch his breath while other dancers surrounded the bonfire.
            A young human girl giggled with her friends as they watched him leaning against a wagon. The elf boy lifted his blue-green eyes and smiled, extending his hand out to the human girl. A series of squeals followed as the girl’s friends pushed her hesitant body toward him. As soon as her hand fell into his, he closed his hand around hers and pulled her out toward the bonfire. A guitar started with a few notes and the caravan began clapping to the beat.
            Gracefully, the boy gently held the girl’s hands, gripped her back and winked at her, spinning her three times before starting the dance. Her friends squealed once more, holding each other to stop from fainting. The boy led her in the dance, each movement well stated. She simply stared into his eyes as he led her, the fluidity of his body guiding hers, silently telling her where to step again before he guided her into another turn before pulling her toward him.
            The guitar’s melody guided the way their young bodies moved and as soon as the melody was over, the young elf bowed his head, auburn hair falling over his shoulders. He reached for his partner’s hand and kissed it softly before looking up and smiling at her. The spectators once more applauded loudly and as he took a step back toward the wagon, the girl simply stood by the bonfire, staring, mesmerized by what she had just done. Her friends ran toward her and pulled her away, squealing once more.
            Others began to dance around the bonfire and a female elf with long auburn hair and flowing skirt walked toward the young elf. “Breaking hearts again, aren’t you, my young one?” She sat on a chair next to the wagon and the boy sat on her lap, hugging her tightly. “I don’t know whether to feel happy or sad for anyone who gets caught in your gaze.” She hugged and rubbed his back gently. “My little Cristianno.”
            “I just like to dance, momma.”
            “I know, baby. I know, but the way you move and the way you put your heart into it makes me wonder what kind of man you’re going to be when you get older. You have the spirit and heart of a gypsy.” She kissed his forehead and cuddled her son. “You will bewitch your mates, my little one.” The young elf didn’t seem to hear her words as he watched the dancers in front of him.

            The music device continued to play all sorts of melodies and Cristianno lay on his bed in his ship’s cabin, his fingers tapping on the wooden walls as he kept the melodies’ rhythm. His eyes remained closed as he allowed song after song to enter his heart. He was in love with the new device. He would have music every moment of his life because of it. And even if no one were around to be his partner, he would continue to dance alone in his cabin. He thought of his mother and he smiled softly. “Heartbreaker,” he whispered, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly as he rubbed his eyes. The next melody started and he tapped his boot on his bed. “How I wish you were wrong at times, momma,” he whispered before he began to hum the song being played.


  1. Ha! Finally it let me on! :p

    I loved this. I could picture all of this SO well.

    And I seriously want to paint it. If I weren't falling asleep and painted better... <_<

    But I really did like reading this. :)

  2. feel free to paint whatever you want :D Glad you enjoyed it :)
