155. Gerty - Tagging Along

Gerty gets ready to meet with Ziggly and the ship.

154. Orders

A goblin laughed loudly into the night as he stumbled over his feet. Swaying back and forth, he waved a letter in his hand and continued to laugh while he hummed some song. He tripped on the boardwalk as he walked toward the shipyard. Among the rickety ships stood a particular ship with a giant metallic goblin head decorating the ship’s bow and prow.
“Hello, beautiful,” the goblin slurred at the ship. He laughed again and walked toward the plank that led him onboard. “We’re going now. Seabitch needs to be rescued.” He began the process to sail out and he woke some of the hired help up to assist him. Crumbling the letter, he stuffed it in his pocket and grabbed the wheel.
“We’re going back to sea, bitches!” he cried out into the night.

Get the ship to Ghostlands immediately. We need to leave now. Pick Gerty up around Stormwind.