111. Body...

Part 2

“Why won’t he see him now! I want him out of my prison!” The blonde elf glared at the enormous brown orcs towering him. He had been asking over and over for the exact same thing, but he felt as if the words went in through one ear and out the other. The Admiral didn’t like dealing with the orcs if at all possible. The only reason he did was because he had a high position within the Horde Army now, and being one of the only elves to hold that rank, he wasn’t going to mess it up, but it frustrated him when the orcs seemed to simply stare at him as if his mouth were moving but the words never formed in their brains. “Do you understand me? Now!”

“He’s not ready to receive the elf,” one of the orcs finally said.



“He’s a traitor! He’ll admit to it if you ask him! What better way to scare the masses than by showing what is done to traitors! Instead you house him here…” The prison wasn’t at all nice. The lack of light made it dark and cold within and the Admiral hated sitting in his makeshift office, guarding prisoners. “I want him gone!”

“You don’t tell us what to do. When he wants to see him, he’ll see him.” Admiral Lightdawn ran his hands through his hair with frustration. It would take a few more hours before he heard two more soldiers approach the orcs.

“Get the elf traitor ready,” the new orc said and the other two nodded, heading toward the cell.

“About damn time,” the Admiral shouted and walked behind the orcs. Each step echoed through the darkened stone halls and their armor seemed to make extra noise. As they approached the cell, the Admiral opened the door and chuckled. “Time to meet the Warchief, pirate.”

Sitting on the dirt ground with his face covered by the surrounding darkness, the imprisoned elf chuckled once and nothing more. The orcs walked in and reached into the shadows to grab him by the arms. The pirate allowed himself to be dragged without putting any effort into walking. As they dragged him away, Admiral Lightdawn laughed and locked the cell door, following behind them.

With shackled hands and feet, the orcs continued to drag the redhead elf through the streets of Orgrimmar. His hair had fallen over his face, so it was difficult for anyone to recognize him. Closer to the gate they got until they turned into a building in the center of all the city’s activity, and straight into the round and open room, where Garrosh himself stood. Mumblings surrounded the pirate and soon, he heard that deep voice he was waiting to hear.

“You’re the one who tried to take one of my airships,” the orc chief softly rumbled. “What have you to say for yourself?”

With a smile on his face, the elf lifted his head and proudly said, “Yes I am. Your ships aren’t well protected.”

The Warchief grunted at him and paced a bit to the side. “We don’t have room for traitors in the Horde.”

“No, I think you do.” That response caused the orc that was holding him to punch his head. The elf gasped for air and shook out the ringing in his ears.

“We don’t have traitors in the Horde!” The Warchief roared again. This time, those present agreed with him, but the elf spat out blood and chuckled.

“Fuck the Horde.”

The Warchief snarled as the orcs beat him once more, forcing him to hang his head and the red mop of hair that fell over. “This elf does not know his place. In fact, he doesn’t have one.” He walked toward the elf and looked down at him. “I dare you to say that again.”

The elf lifted his shaking head and opened his bloodstained mouth with a smile before slowly saying, “Fuck the Horde.” It was enough for Garrosh to kick him in the stomach causing him to collapse and struggle to breathe.

“You are dead, elf! Tomorrow, out in the open for all to see. We will not have traitors amongst us!” He turned away. “Get that traitor away from me!” The orcs grabbed the somewhat conscious elf and dragged him away, back to the cell.

The Admiral quickly ran to the cell, “What happened?”

“He will die tomorrow.” The orc’s words made him shudder, but he only nodded and opened the cell. The orcs threw him onto the dirt floor and proceeded to kick and beat him, staining the cell with the elf’s blood. The elf was not responsive and the Admiral knew that if the orcs valued their life, they wouldn’t kill the traitor, but they enjoyed the brutal attack. The Admiral grabbed onto the cell bars and watched, wincing each time a boot or a fist struck the pirate.

“Not so brave now, huh?” shouted one orc.

“Now say what you told the Warchief! Say it again, scum!” shouted another, but the elf didn’t move to protect himself. His breathing was shallow and his legs or arms would twitch a bit here and there.

One of the orcs grabbed him by the neck and forced his eye open. “Look at him. Blue eyes, like those other traitorous scum that hide with the Alliance!”

The other orc seemed to grin and walked toward the pirate. “I hate blue elf eyes,” he stated. He took his dagger and as he was about to stick it into the pirate’s eye, the blade stopped at the sound of a shout.

“Enough!” The Admiral screamed while he wondered why in the world was this traitor’s abuse affecting him.

“You’re defending him?” asked an orc.

“No, but that’s not necessary. He’s had enough. Go back to your posts.” The orcs looked at each other and shrugged, dropping the elf to the floor. He fell with a heavy thud and if it wasn’t for the small chest movements, the Admiral would have thought he was already dead. The blonde elf opened the cell door and ran to the pirate’s side. “If he dies before Garrosh has his moment of triumph, you’ll probably pay for it.” As he reached out for the injured elf, he noticed that he was being slightly dragged as the orcs began to leave. “Wait! His hair is stuck on your armor!”

One of the orcs looked at the red locks tangled into his companion’s armor and with the swing of his axe, his companion was set free. “Not no more.” The orcs laughed and walked out of the cell. The Admiral looked down at the long strands of red hair that lay on the ground and then turned to the pirate. He sighed and shook his head as he knelt beside the elf, attempting to cradle his beaten head.

“Why did you have to do something like that? We’re part of the Horde! We’ve been part of the Horde for quite some time now. What is it with this stance of defiance?”

Cristianno tried to open his aching eye only to see a blurry image of the Admiral. With a whimpering whisper, he replied, “Fuck the Horde.”

The Admiral shook his head. “You’re an idiot.” He gently put the elf back on the ground, placing his head on the rags he had for a pillow, and walked away. His steps kicked the fallen red strands and it seemed that he kicked them out of rage. “You’re an idiot! And you’re going to die because you’re an idiot!” After slamming the cell door, he disappeared out of sight.

Cristianno managed to see the blurry red at eye level before closing his eyes and passing out.


  1. ((At first I was like "Hee! \o/" Then I was all "NUU! ;_;" Then I went "OOOHHHH! O.O "

    Yay Cris stories!))

  2. ((all in one story!? heehee Thanks for reading!
