“Sh! They’ll hear you.”
“Let them!”
“Sh! They’ll kill you if they find you here.” A few more giggles escaped from under a table covered with a white cloth. Sneaking from behind, the elf’s golden head moved around, looking to make sure that they were safe. “How did you get past my father’s security?”
“I have my ways. I would do anything to be with you again, Rosaelynn.”
The male elf leaned into her, kissing her deeply, his hands running against the sides of her body. She giggled once again and moved away. “Cris!” She playfully ran her hand through his auburn hair and pulled him gently away. “We need to get you out of here.”
“Come with me, Rose.”
“We’ll get caught!”
“But we’ll be together. Come on!” Their escapade led to their first night together in the secrecy of their alcove by the sea, the location where Cristianno swore his love to the beautiful, young noble Rosaelynn.
Those were simply memories as he lay in bed in Silvermoon, wounded by a knife that some random thief had plunged into his gut. This had been the second time he was wounded and he had been healed by the gentle hands of a priestess who was soon growing angry at the times she had to mend him.
“You’re just a pup, Cris.”
That voice was the voice he desired. He fought so hard for her. Harder than anyone he had fought for before…except Rosaelynn, but she was gone, and Kahlen was now on his mind.
“You’re just saying that to get into my pants, beautiful.” He tried to chuckle, but he was too weak and in pain.
“Don’t move.”
“I wasn’t planning to.”
“What am I going to do with you? You always get hurt.”
“I may be doing it to have you close to me.” He felt his heart once more. He felt that love was an option and slowly, he was falling for Kahlen.
“Cris always got ‘urt a’roun ‘er?” Tia whispered as she drank from her cup of tea. The goblin nodded, gazing at the sleeping Cris.
“I told him the first trip out that he needed to get away from her. Tia, he went through so much and she was the only one around him. I don’t trust that wench.”
Tia’Zula looked at Cristianno, “I hear Ros’lyn broke ‘is ‘eart.”
“Tia, she just left for some noble. Just like that.”
“Cris is unforta’nat in love.”
“I’ll say. I don’t know what happened with this last one, but I’m going to find out, Tia. But, whatever it is, Cris can’t go back to her. She’s too dangerous for him.”
“If ‘e comes thru, whatcha gonna say to ‘im?”
Ziggly looked at Cris, “No, Tia. When he comes through, we’ll tell him the truth.
Tia blinked at him, her mug at her lips.
“She did this to him.”
The troll lifted an eyebrow. “Joo lie to ‘im?”
He won’t know, will he? If he’s going to fall in love with someone, it’ll be with someone worth it. Not some wench who is out to kill him.” Both the goblin and the troll turn to look at Cris, who slept as the healing process continued.
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