“I love you, Rosaelynn.” His melodic words echoed through out the cavern where the two blood elves embraced each other beside a crackling fire as their only witness.
“I adore you, Cris,” Rosaelynn replied. She buried her face into his shoulder and he nuzzled against her golden sun-kissed hair. Her hands grasped onto him tightly, clenching onto him. “Why must you leave for so long?”
“The captain requested me, my beloved rose. But just think, when I return, we’ll be set financially and we can get married, just like we planned.” Cristianno reached down for her left hand, his thumb passing over the smooth emerald gemmed ring. Rosaelynn lifted her head and looked down at the promise of his love. “I swear, my dear rose, that I will return. Three months.”
Rosaelynn’s tear streaked cheeks quivered before another deluge of tears rushed down once more. “Three months. I will be waiting for you, Cris.”
Three months…
The men cheered as they escaped the Horde fleet and sailed away with their bounty. The jugs of bourbon and rum were passed around to each sailor. From atop of the main mast, the dark haired elf swung down on a rope, cheering along with the rest of the men. Ziggly the goblin tossed him a jug of bourbon as the elf’s feet hit the deck.
“Huzzah!” Every human, dwarf, tauren, troll, elf, and goblin cheered and drank in merriment.
“This is great! We’ll get to go home before time!” Cristianno exclaimed before chugging the bourbon. He wiped his mouth and hugged Ziggly. “I’ll get to see Rosaelynn soon!”
“You’re excited about seeing your wench?” Ziggly sat on the deck and slurped his rum.
“Oh Zig, she’s more than a wench. She’s the sun in my sky. I’m going to marry her, Zig! You just watch!” He screamed from the top of his lungs, “I’m going to marry Rosaelynn!”
“There are plenty of women out there, Seawolf. Why get tied down with one?”
“Because she’s the one, Zig.” Cristianno took a deep breath, smiled, and sighed as he stared at the endless sea. “She’s the one.”
The days and nights grew longer than expected due to an unfortunate navigational error that directed The Devil’s Hand close to the Maelstrom. Three months soon turned into six months and then to twelve. Finally back on track, the crew arrived at Booty Bay and each man went along their own way, each taking the loot they worked for. Cristianno and Misae travelled to Silvermoon and he immediately ran to his beloved’s home.
“Yes?” an old elf answered the door.
“Where’s Rosaelynn? Tell her Cris is back.”
“Sir, Lady Rosaelynn does not live here anymore.”
Cristianno’s bright smile slowly disappeared. “Well, can you tell me where her family moved to?”
“Sir, the Sil’wyn family still lives here, but Lady Rosaelynn lives with her husband.”
“Husband?” Cristianno stepped back; the city’s golds and reds swirled around him. “No, she was…she was waiting for… me.”
“If there is nothing more, sir…”
“Who’s this husband? Where are they?”
“Dalaran, sir. She is Lady Ranthiel, wife of Lord Magister Aellian Ranthiel.” The elderly elf closed the door and Cristianno leaned up against the home. After fighting for his life against creatures, the elements, and the Horde and Alliance fleets, he felt defeated as tears flooded his eyes.
“Rosaelynn!” His tears of defeat turned into tears of hate and grabbing his sword, he ran to the city gates screaming. The city guards chased after him, but he and Misae escaped into the forest. After hours of running, he collapsed on the sand of a nearby beach. The wolf stood as a guard over her master while he mourned his lost love. He looked up at the night sky and stared at the stars.
“You were right, Zig.” He sighed deeply and closed his eyes. “You were right about women.”
The elf woman flopped over onto the other side of the bed, gasping for air. “You are an animal, Wolf.” Her shrill laughter pierced his ears and he turned to his side, staring at the wall in front of him. Her arms wrapped around him and she reached over to kiss his ear. “Oh come on, Wolf, that was amazing! Don’t you think that was good?”
Her lips and teeth nibbled at his neck as she chuckled. “Your wife must be one lucky woman to have such a strong, sexy man in her life.”
Cristianno closed his eyes and murmured, “I’m not married.”
“Well, your girlfriend then.”
“There’s no girlfriend.”
“Really? Can I be yours?”
He sighed and opened his eyes, only to imagine seeing Rosaelynn’s face near his. After blinking, it was simply the prostitute’s face he was looking at. He sighed again and closed his eyes. “I don’t date whores.” He winced as she kissed his neck again. “Get away from me. Go shower or whatever and go away.” When she kissed him once more, he flung his arm over, threatening to hit her as he screamed, “Go away now!” The frightened woman rushed out of bed and Cristianno lay on his back with his hands behind his head.
He exhaled, whispering “Rosaelynn.”
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