If you can’t accept my terms, then you can’t accept me.
He walked out of the abandoned keep, a broken pirate. A broken man. All her words of love and devotion. Her promises and smiles. For nothing. What did he have that Cris didn’t? What was it about him that made her choose him? He saw his devilsaur standing under a tree and as he was about to mount up, he couldn’t help but cry. Another woman had broken his heart.
He couldn’t accept that she loved another man as well as him. He couldn’t accept the fact that she wore his ring. But the biggest betrayal of all was that she had told him his secret. If he really wanted to, that man could easily kill Cris in a matter of seconds. It infuriated him. Vondrike would be hunted. That was a given. But as he mounted his lizard, he couldn’t help but wonder how many times Ziggly and Laerchel were right. She was just another wench.
Out of all the women he adored and betrayed him, this was the most painful. It overshadowed Rosaelynn’s betrayal by far. At least Rain had given him hope. And just like that, it was taken away from him.
He rode to Undercity, walking amongst the undead he felt so uncomfortable around. He teleported to Silvermoon, the town that he hated with all his broken heart. He went to Sun’s Harbor, where his crew awaited his arrival.
“Where’s the wench?” Ziggly asked as Cris boarded the ship.
“There is no wench.”
A large grin spread across his face, but Ziggly was going to wait until Cris was ready to talk. The crew slowly approached the captain, who leaned against the rail and looked out at the water. It was time to become what he dreaded. It was time to become a pirate. He felt it. He had been a legal merchant for Kahlen, but now, there was no Kahlen, and there was no Rain. He had no reason to be the warm-hearted man he was. A voice in his head kept repeating over and over, Love is a mockery. That human, Anisse. Those were her words and he was starting to understand. First Rosaelynn, then Kahlen, now Rain. The thought of her made his heart ache, as if his heart was turning to stone. As if love was indeed a mockery.
“Captain?” Ziggly asked.
Without turning back, Cris simply said, “Booty Bay.”
“But, we just got here! And the cargo…”
“I said take me to fucking Booty Bay!”
The crew stared at Ziggly who shrugged, “Get to yer stations. Get this whore going! Go!”
“She was a bitch to begin with. So much for having that wench here. I say stick to whores. Seriously.”
“I’m beginning to think you’re right, Zig.” He sighed and knew exactly what he had to do. Ziggly had told him time after time, year after year, “When are you going to grow a pair and start being a pirate?” He was right. He knew what had to be done. Once his main crew was established, his first order of business was to intercept a ship and take its cargo. His ultimate goal: intercept a Horde or Alliance ship. A sly grin spread across his face. He liked that idea. And as soon as he reached Booty Bay, he was going to set out a notice to other captains. There had to be others who would want a percentage of the booty, and perhaps an adventure. A council of pirates. What better way to keep his enemies close than to make them allies? It worked for the Horde and Alliance, didn’t it?
“We’re going to the Bay’s Booty, Wolf.” Ziggly patted his calf and Cris simply nodded.
“Brisa will make you feel better.”
“And you will never have to think of that bitch again.”
Cris looked at the sea and saw his reflection. He had learned from the past two that women were fickle creatures. This last wench was no different. Obviously, that man had something he didn’t. Cris was no hero. He wasn’t out to save the world. He was out to get whatever he wanted.
For a moment, he simply wanted to say her name again, to see how much pain her name alone was going to cause him. “Rain,” he whispered. He instantly spit out into the water. It was too much. Turning cold, he looked at Ziggly. “I’m going to talk to The Captain.”
Ziggly simply nodded. He turned around and looked at the cabin. “What do you want me to do with her leftover things?”
Cris took a deep breath and simply said, “Throw them overboard when we get into deeper waters.” The goblin snapped his fingers and gave the order. Cristianno glared, fighting back the tears and working hard to make his heart stone cold. “Make her drown in her pathetic lies,” he whispered to the sea.
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