170. Gerty's New Hope

Gerty has been spending a lot of the time at the temple to ease her troubles, but the memories are hard to get rid of, unless there is help. 

169. Jako Meets with Pina Once Again

Jako gets another visit from the little goblin with bad news.

168. Pina's Transformation

Pina is about to go through a transformation that will change her life forever.

167. Gifts

After a few months of stalking Cristianno's family, Jako and Ammar now face their boss, however, things are not what they seem.

166. A New Threat

There's a new threat on the Pandarian coasts.

165. Awkward Moment

The Captain has a surprise visit who startles him, but will he be able to fight off temptation?

164. Kyl and the Woman

Kyl meets a woman who happens to know his employer.

163. New Healer Onboard

Cristianno has found a new confidant and someone who will guide him and his restless journey.

162. Trust

Someone appears to want to be an ally, but the Captain seems hesitant, especially since her abilities are similar to a certain witch's abilities.

161. Air and Sea

Boredom happens anywhere, even in Panderia.

160. Visiting the Alcove

Cris returns to Orgrimmar to visit the alcove and its guardian.

159. A New Land

Cristianno, Alaia, and the crew have found new land.