87. Unwanted Attention

Cris returns to Booty Bay to confront Brisa, however, he does not expect what happens that night.

            “You are the one I wanted. I waited for you.”
            “You knew I wasn’t going to court you, Brisa.”
            “But I could dream. I could imagine that you would.”
            “I shouldn’t have told you anything.”
            “No! I’m glad you did. Thank you.”
            “But now, what’s going to happen?”
            “Take me with you. Please, Wolf. You owe me that much.”
            “I…owe you?”
            “Yes. You owe me for not picking me.”
            “No! You’re taking me with you! You’re going to allow me to continue to gather information and I will be loyal to you.”
            “If you wish to do that, you should just stay here.”
            “And be just another whore?
            “You were never just another whore, Brisa.”
            “But that’s what you’ll have me be.”
            “No! Brisa, you chose this profession. Now, if Jonah is forcing you to stay here, I’ll go talk to him. Otherwise, no. By staying here, I mean, stay around the Bay. I need an extra set of ears out here.”
            “You just don’t want me around you…”
            “Now you’re just being childish, Brisa.”
            “And you’re being unfair!”
            “Brisa, enough. You are a beautiful young woman.”
            “Young? I was young when I first met you, ten years ago. I’m getting older, Wolf.”
            “But you’re still beautiful and smart. You will make a fine addition to my crew, but being part of this crew also means working off the ship. I need help out there, Brisa.”
            “But, what if your…woman doesn’t please you?”
            “She does.”
            “But what if she doesn’t—"
            “She does.”
            “You do realize that this isn’t you, right? Wolf, you can’t belong to just one woman. You love the touch, the closeness, and the scent of any woman beside you. It won’t be long before you lose yourself in your true form and you begin to sleep around.”
            “Not going to happen.”
            “I know you, Wolf.”
            “Brisa, if you’re not going to help me, then nevermind.”
            “I’m just saying the truth, Wolf. You belong to no one.”
            “I belong to her.”
            “Spend the night with me. Just once more. Make me feel loved once more.”
            “I won’t do that, Brisa.”
            “Just once more…”
            “No. Keep insisting, and I’m leaving.”
            “No! Then…let’s talk. About…whatever you want!”
            “Why are you still here?”
            “I was waiting for you.”
            “Besides that.”
            “I don’t know what else to do, Wolf.”
            “You could go out and learn another profession or go find something to do in Stormwind.”
            “Stormwind? I don’t know.”
            “I’m sure you’d be great at something else.”
            “We’re rats in this world, Wolf. Where are we going to end up when our real professions are done? What will I be if I ever leave the brothel? What will you be when you stop being a pirate?”
            “I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it.”
            “You see?”
            “But I do know that I will remain with her and we will face the world together. That I do know, Brisa.”
            “At least…you know what you want.”
            “You will too, dear.”
            “I doubt that.”
            “It’s only…a matter of….time.”
            “You sound tired, Wolf.”
            “Long day.”
            “Close your eyes, just for a moment. Then you can head back to your ship.”
            “I should go now.”
            “Shh, it’s just for a moment.”
            “Fine, just for a moment…”

            He fell asleep, holding the human in his arms and she remained awake, enjoying the final moments she knew she was going to have with him. Her hands gently caressed his hair and face. Her fingers gently traced along the dark, maroon scar around his neck and touched each shark tooth carefully. Tracing down his sculptured chest, she cautiously leaned toward him and began to kiss him, her violet eyes looking up to make sure he didn’t wake up. Each time her lips touched his flesh, she moaned softly, imagining more than she was intending on. She licked his chest and heard him moan as well, but he remained asleep. Brisa continued, biting gently and sucking on his skin, bruising him several times with deep violet marks. Satisfied, she slipped her hand down his pants and simply rested her head on his chest, falling asleep on him.

            “Where…am I?  Brisa? What…time is it?”
            “Probably morning. I guess we fell asleep. You were really tired.”
            “Fuck, I need to go. What… is your hand doing down there.”
            “Oh, I guess I feel asleep with my hand there.”
            “I have to go.”
            “Am I going with you?”
            “Not this time…What… what is that?!”
            “Oh, sorry, Wolf. I got…carried away.”
            “No! Dammit, Brisa! Fuck.”
            “Let me go with you!”
            “Hell no!”
            “You fucking owe me, Wolf!”
            “I don’t owe you shit! You want to be part of my crew? Then you need to prove it! Get yourself out of this hellhole, become someone, and maybe…MAYBE…I’ll consider it next time. That’s if you don’t pull this shit again!”
            “It’s just a few markings, Wolf!”
            “What part of ‘I’m married’ do you not understand?”
            “All of it.”
            “Well, then take this damn time to figure out what it means to me. Until then, goodbye.”
            “Wolf wait! You can’t leave angry at me!”
            “For someone who says she’s getting older, you need to grow up, Brisa.”
            “Wait! Wolf! I’ll change! I’ll change!! Wait!”

            As he marched out of the brothel furiously, he tried to close his shirt as much as possible to hide the darkened marks on his chest. “I guess you win this round, love,” he sighed, remembering Niela’s words. Cris kicked a crate that was nearby as he walked back to his ship.